
Wine Therapy: Brunello Masterclass with Honest Grapes
Wine Tastings Sophia Longhi Wine Tastings Sophia Longhi

Wine Therapy: Brunello Masterclass with Honest Grapes

A year into lockdown life and Honest Grapes are pros at online tastings and masterclasses. One look at the events page on their website and you’ll see that they are quenching the thirst of wine buffs on a regular basis throughout the month, month after month. Who said that staying at home meant having an empty calendar?

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7 ways to be a better wine lover (it’s OK - we’re all different!)

7 ways to be a better wine lover (it’s OK - we’re all different!)

One size wine lover does not fit all. There isn’t one mould to make a wine lover - we are all different and that’s a good thing. A very good thing.

If you’re wondering whether or not you can be a wine lover - because you don’t really look like one - I have a secret. Wine lovers don’t all look the same. Shh! We don’t all wear red trousers (though some of us do, and that’s FINE...) and, on the other end of the spectrum, we don’t all look like supermodels posing with wine bottles. Whatever type of wine lover you are, wherever you see yourself of the spectrum, it’s all good. Your opinion is valid. Whatever you are wearing, whatever you sound like. 

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