
All you need to know about Greek wine: Start exploring a land of exceptional terroir, indigenous grape varieties and cutting-edge winemaking
Greece, Wine Recommendations, Greek Wine Sophia Longhi Greece, Wine Recommendations, Greek Wine Sophia Longhi

All you need to know about Greek wine: Start exploring a land of exceptional terroir, indigenous grape varieties and cutting-edge winemaking

What do you know about Greek wine? It seems to be an area that even the most committed of wine lovers often overlook. Is it because the Greek roads are ones less travelled or because we simply have trouble pronouncing the names of the grape varieties (have a go at Agiorgitiko) and therefore will choose something that appears more familiar?

Although Greece is one of the oldest wine regions in the world, with wine production dating back to the Ancient Greek times, today it doesn’t rank in the top ten wine producing countries globally and, in the UK, we’re more likely to go for wines from Italy, France, New Zealand, Australia and Spain before we think about Greece.

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T-Oinos Wines: Liquid energy in a bottle
Greece, Industry Interviews, Trade Tastings Sophia Longhi Greece, Industry Interviews, Trade Tastings Sophia Longhi

T-Oinos Wines: Liquid energy in a bottle

The rare grey-black marble that is found on the floors of Buckingham Palace and the Louvre comes from Tinos, a rugged Greek island in the Aegean Sea. So sought after, this marble is now UNESCO protected - which is the reason you will see giant boulders in the middle of vineyards, with rows of vines respectfully stopping at their edges and continuing on after.

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